Friday, October 23, 2009

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Well, today's post was just going to be about something fun, Annie's birthday party. But then today happened. :( Let me put some pictures of Annie's party first because it was so much fun! Happy birthday, Annie! (This format is all crazy but I'm too tired to try and fix it. It's been a loooong day!)

Today started off like such a fun day!! Ryder had the day off and we decided to take Mya to the Children's Museum. We had a great time there, minus the field trip kids. I have lots of pictures but am too tired to upload them right now. Another day! After that, we decided to take Mya to one of my favorite places, Freddy's. I always used to say that I wanted to take my kids there because it's so fun: live music, a playground, good food. So today we got the chance to take Mya. We had been there maybe five minutes when Mya decided that she wanted to go down the slide. She was walking up the ladder to the slide and I was right behind her holding her waist and her right foot slipped off of the second step. It didn't hit anything, didn't fall to the ground, nothing. She started screaming and crying and clung to me. She was all of a sudden burning up!! I told Ryder that we needed to get our food to go and leave. She continued to cry like that so I took her to the car and just held her. On the way towards home, she went to sleep. That's how you know something is bad wrong. Mya does NOT ever sleep in the car. And when she does, we take pictures, because it's so unusual. We called the doctor on our way back home and got an appointment so we drove around until the time to go. When we got there, Mya woke up and was crying again, but didn't have a fever anymore. The doctor checked her out and did a flu test and said that they would call us with the results but that they might not be correct so early on. Mya went home and slept for 2 1/2 hours. The doctor called and said that Mya didn't have the flu. When she woke up, she was fine! Until she tried to walk. Then she just held her right foot up in the air and wanted us to hold her, but no crying. All of a sudden it hit us! She wasn't sick!!!! Her foot was hurt!!! Then we realized, she hadn't tried to walk at all since Freddy's. I tried to get her to walk to see if she could and she couldn't. We immediately got in the car and drove to the ER. The hospital was great: quick and everyone was so nice, but Mya hated every second of it and screamed and cried the whole time we were there. So they did X-rays, and Ryder and I were in shock when they brought us to see the X-rays and two of Mya's bones (fibula and tibia) were both fractured. The doctor told us like it was no big deal. "She'll get a splint tonight and wear that for a week and then she will get a cast that she will have for 4-6 weeks." A CAST?!!!! WHAT? We still can't believe it. So she can't walk, at all. This is going to be so hard! What are we going to do? It's going to be like having an infant again but she knows that she can walk and is going to want to play. I feel so bad that she can't play at the park or run around during the best time of year. At least she can swing, which is her favorite thing anyways. Tomorrow we are going to buy her a wagon. We were going to wait for baby number two, but hey, I think now is a good time. She will love it and got so excited when we told her about it. :) My poor, sweet little girl. She has her momma's bad luck with getting injured. First her teeth and now her leg. :(